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  Criminal Defense SEXUAL ASSAULT


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Have you been Sexually Assaulted or charged with Sexual Assault? Have your rights in been violated? Have you been falsely accused? We can help.

Contact Us immediately for a FREE case evaluation and answers to your questions  Find out if  you have a case and what to do if you do.

Sexual Assault

  • Conduct of a sexual or indecent nature toward another person that is accompanied by actual or threatened physical force or that induces fear, shame, or mental suffering.

Penal Code 240 - 241 :

240.  An assault is an unlawful attempt, coupled with a present
ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another.

241.  (a) An assault is punishable by a fine not exceeding one
thousand dollars ($1,000), or by imprisonment in the county jail not
exceeding six months, or by both the fine and imprisonment.
   (b) When an assault is committed against the person of a peace
officer, firefighter, emergency medical technician, mobile intensive
care paramedic, lifeguard, process server, traffic officer, or animal
control officer engaged in the performance of his or her duties, or
a physician or nurse engaged in rendering emergency medical care
outside a hospital, clinic, or other health care facility, and the
person committing the offense knows or reasonably should know that
the victim is a peace officer, firefighter, emergency medical
technician, mobile intensive care paramedic, lifeguard, process
server, traffic officer, or animal control officer engaged in the
performance of his or her duties, or a physician or nurse engaged in
rendering emergency medical care, the assault is punishable by a fine
not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000), or by imprisonment in
the county jail not exceeding one year, or by both the fine and
   (c) As used in this section, the following definitions apply:
   (1) Peace officer means any person defined in Chapter 4.5
(commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2.
   (2) "Emergency medical technician" means a person possessing a
valid course completion certificate from a program approved by the
State Department of Health Services for the medical training and
education of ambulance personnel, and who meets the standards of
Division 2.5 (commencing with Section 1797) of the Health and Safety
   (3) "Mobile intensive care paramedic" refers to those persons who
meet the standards set forth in Division 2.5 (commencing with Section
1797) of the Health and Safety Code.
   (4) "Nurse" means a person who meets the standards of Division 2.5
(commencing with Section 1797) of the Health and Safety Code.
   (5) "Lifeguard" means a person who is:
   (A) Employed as a lifeguard by the state, a county, or a city, and
is designated by local ordinance as a public officer who has a duty
and responsibility to enforce local ordinances and misdemeanors
through the issuance of citations.
   (B) Wearing distinctive clothing which includes written
identification of the  person's status as a lifeguard and which
clearly identifies the employing organization.
   (6) "Process server" means any person who meets the standards or
is expressly exempt from the standards set forth in Section 22350 of
the Business and Professions Code.
   (7) "Traffic officer" means any person employed by a county or
city to monitor and enforce state laws and local ordinances relating
to parking and the operation of vehicles.
   (8) "Animal control officer" means any person employed by a county
or city for purposes of enforcing animal control laws or

Did You Know?  
  • 90% of the rapes and sex crimes of children less than 12 years old knew the offender, accodring to police-recorded incident data.
  • Convicted rape and sexual assult offenders report that 2/3rd of their victims were under the age of 18.
  • State felony court convictions, the FBI's UCR arrests and National Crime Victimization Surveys all point to sex offenders being older than other violent offenders, generally in the early 30's.

Contact Us immediately for a FREE case evaluation and answers to your questions  Find out if  you have a case and what to do if you do.

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