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State Deadlines For Negligence Cases - Defend-Me.com
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State Deadlines for Negligence Cases

Alabama Code of Mississippi Section 6-2-38 2 years
Alaska Alaska Statutes Section 09 10.070 2 years
Arizona Arizona Revised Statutes Section 12-542 2 years
California Calif. Civ. Procedure code Section 335.1
1 year for accidents before January 1, 2003
2 years for accidents after January 1, 2003.
1 or 2 years
Colorado 2 years
Colorado Revised Statutes Section 13-80-102
Connecticut Connecticut General Statutes Section 52-584 2 years
Delaware Delaware Code Annotated cc 8107, 8119 2 years
D.C. District of Columbia Code Section 12-301 3 years
Florida Florida Statutes Section 95.11 4 years
Georgia Georgia Code Ann. Section 3-1004 2 years
Hawaii Hawaii Revised Statutes Section 657-7 2 years
Idaho Idaho Code Section 5-219 2 years
Illinois Illinois Statutes Ann. Section 13-202 2 years
Indiana Indiana Code Ann. Section 34-1-2-2 2 years
Iowa Iowa Code Annotated Section 614.1 2 years
Kansas Kansas Statutes Annotated Section 60.513 2 year
Louisiana Louisiana Civil Code Section 3492 1 years
Maine Maine Revised Statutes Ann. Section 752 6 years
Maryland 3 years
Maryland Courts and Judicial Proceedings Code,
Section 5-101
Massachusetts 3 years
Massachusetts General Laws Ann. Ch. 260,
Section 2A4
Michigan Michigan Compiled Laws Section 600.5805S 3 years
Mississippi Mississippi Code Annotated Section 15-1-49 3 years
Missouri 5 years
Missouri Statute Annotated 35 Section 516.120
Montana 3 years
Montana Code Annotated Section 27-2-204, 27-2-207
Nebraska Revised Statutes of Nebraska Section 25-208 4 years
Nevada 2 years
Nevada Revised Statutes Annotated Section 11.190
3 years
New Hampshire New Hampshire Revised Statutes Ann.Section 508:4
New Jersey 2 years
New Jersey Statutes Annotated Section 2A:14-2
New Mexico New Mexico Statutes Ann. Section 37-1-8 3 years
New York NEW YORK CIV. PRAC.R. Section 214 3 years
3 years
North Carolina General Statutes of North Carolina Section 1-52
North Dakota 6 years
North Dakota Century Code Section 28-01-16
Ohio Ohio Rev. Code Ann. Section 2305.10 2 years
Oklahoma 2 years
Oklahoma Statutes Annotated Title 12 Section 95
Oregon Oregon Revised Statutes Section 12.110 2 years
Pennsylvania 42 PA Con. Stat. Annotated Section 5524 2 years
Rhode Island 3 years
General Laws of Rhode Island Section 9-1-14
South Carolina Code Ann. Section 15-3-530 3 years
South Carolina
South Dakota 3 years
South Dakota Comp. Laws Ann.
Section 15-12-2, 15-2-14
Tennessee 1 year
Tennessee Code Annotated Section 28-3-104
Texas 2 years
Texas Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. 2 Section 16.003
Utah Utah Code Annotated Section 78-12-25 4 years
Vermont Vermont Statutes Ann. Title 12, Section 512 3 years
Virginia Virginia code Section 8.01-243 2 years
Washington 3 years
Revised Code of Washington Ann.Section 4.16.020
West Virginia West Virginia Code Section 55-2-12 2 years
Wisconsin Wisconsin Statutes Annotated Section 893.54 3 years
Wyoming 4 years

NOTE:   The deadlines set forth on this page should not be relied on without the assistance of a competent personal injury attorney in your state. The law in your state may have changed since this list was compiled. Also, different deadlines apply to different kinds of personal injury cases. DO NOT assume that the deadline stated in this list applies to your case. This list represents a beginning step only in determining whether the statute of limitations has expired on your claim.

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