Have you been Sexually
charged with Sexual
in California?
Have your rights in California
been violated? Have you been falsely accused? We can help.
Contact Us
for a FREE case evaluation and answers
to your questions Find out
if you have a case in CALIFORNIA and what
to do if you do.
California Sexual
- The forcing of unwanted sexual activity by one person on another, as by the
use of threats or coercion.
- Sexual activity that is deemed improper or harmful, as between an adult and
a minor or with a person of diminished mental capacity.
California Penal Code
243.4 :
243.4. (a) Any person who touches an intimate part of another
person while that person is unlawfully restrained by the accused or
an accomplice, and if the touching is against the will of the person
touched and is for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual
gratification, or sexual abuse, is guilty of sexual battery. A
violation of this subdivision is punishable by imprisonment in a
county jail for not more than one year, and by a fine not exceeding
two thousand dollars ($2,000); or by imprisonment in the state prison
for two, three, or four years, and by a fine not exceeding ten
thousand dollars ($10,000). ....READ MORE
Did You Know?
- 90%
of the rapes and sex crimes
of children less than 12 years
old knew the offender, accodring
to police-recorded incident
- Convicted
rape and sexual assault offenders
report that 2/3rd of their victims
were under the age of 18.
- State
felony court convictions, the
FBI's UCR arrests and National
Crime Victimization Surveys
all point to sex offenders being
older than other violent offenders,
generally in the early 30's.
Contact Us
for a FREE case evaluation and answers
to your questions Find out
if you have a case in CALIFORNIA and what
to do if you do.
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Get answers to your
questions about California Sex Crimes. Don't Wait, you have certain
rights that you may lose in time.
Sex Crimes
California White Collar Crimes