Have you been
charged with Pedophilia
in Arkansas?
Have your rights in Arkansas
been violated? Have you been falsely accused? We can help.
Contact Us
for a FREE case evaluation and answers
to your questions Find out
if you have a case in Arkansas and what
to do if you do.
Arkansas Pedophilia:
The act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a
child or children. Pedophilia
is a crime that may carry a
lasting social stigma and serious legal consequences. In some states, because of
overwhelming pressure from the public, many prosecutors will stop at nothing to
gain a conviction in these cases. And the potential punishment for a conviction
can be quite severe. In part because of Megan's Law, a Arkansas
Molestation conviction
could mean that you must register as a sex offender everywhere you go for the
rest of your life.
Penal Code
You Know?
- 90%
of the rapes and sex crimes
of children less than 12 years
old knew the offender, accodring
to police-recorded incident
- Convicted
rape and sexual assault offenders
report that 2/3rd of their victims
were under the age of 18.
- State
felony court convictions, the
FBI's UCR arrests and National
Crime Victimization Surveys
all point to sex offenders being
older than other violent offenders,
generally in the early 30's.
questions? See what a Arkansas Attorney can do for you. Contact
us immediately
for a FREE case evaluation and answers
to your questions.
Attorney - Cities We Serve:
Criminal Defense Attorney

Get answers to your
questions about Arkansas Sex Crimes. Don't Wait, you have certain
rights that you may lose in time.
Sex Crimes
Arkansas White Collar Crimes