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   :: SECTION 36100-36130


36100.  Implements of husbandry which are only incidentally operated
or moved over a highway and implements of husbandry listed in
Section 36005 or 36015 are exempt from registration.

36101.  The following farm vehicles are exempt from registration, if
they have and display an identification plate as specified in
Section 5014, and the vehicles shall not be deemed to be implements
of husbandry and they shall be subject to all equipment and device
requirements as if registered:
   (a) A motor vehicle of a size so as to require a permit under
Section 35780 owned and operated by a farmer, designed and used
exclusively for carrying, or returning empty from carrying, feed and
seed products of farming, and used on a highway between one part of a
farm to another part of that farm or from one farm to another farm.

   (b) A vehicle equipped with a water tank owned by a farmer and
used exclusively to service his or her own implements of husbandry.
   (c) A water tank truck that is owned by a farmer, not operated for
compensation, and used extensively in the conduct of agricultural
operations, when used exclusively (1) for sprinkling water on dirt
roads providing access to agricultural fields or (2) transportation
of water for irrigation of crops or trees.
   (d) (1) A cotton module mover, as defined in Section 36012.
   (2) In order to maintain the exemption from registration granted
under this subdivision for a truck tractor, when combined with a
semitrailer, the owner of that truck tractor shall not operate it
during the exemption period in any manner other than as a cotton
module mover, as defined in Section 36012, and shall do all of the
   (A) Register the vehicle with the department before operating it
as a commercial motor vehicle.
   (B) Apply to the department on a yearly basis for any renewal of
the exemption from registration.
   (3) Exemption from registration under this subdivision does not
exempt a truck tractor, when combined with a semitrailer, operating
as a cotton module mover pursuant to Section 36012 and this
subdivision from the applicable safety requirements of this code or
any regulation adopted pursuant to any statute, including, but not
limited to, equipment standards, driver licensing requirements,
maximum driving and on-duty hours provisions, log book requirements,
drug and alcohol testing, maintenance of vehicles, and any driver or
vehicle standards specified in Division 14.8 (commencing with Section
   (4) Truck tractors exempt from registration under this subdivision
are subject to the fees imposed under Sections 9250, 9250.8, and
9250.13, and to any other vehicle fees that are imposed by statute on
or after January 1, 1998, that are deposited in the Motor Vehicle
   (e) A trailer that is equipped with a plenum chamber for the
drying of agricultural commodities.
   (f) Except as provided in subdivision (j) of Section 36005, a trap
wagon, as defined in Section 36016, that is equipped with a fuel
tank or tanks.  The fuel tank or tanks shall not exceed 3,000 gallons
total capacity.
   (g) A forklift truck, operated by a farmer not for compensation.
For purposes of this section, a hay-squeeze shall be deemed a
   (h) A truck tractor or truck tractor and semitrailer combination
specified in this subdivision that is owned by a farmer and operated
on the highways only incidental to a farming operation and not for
compensation.  This subdivision applies only to truck tractors with a
manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating over 10,000 pounds that
are equipped with all-wheel drive and off-highway traction tires on
all wheels, and only to semitrailers used in combination with  that
truck tractor and exclusively in the production or harvesting of
melons.  The vehicles specified in this subdivision shall not be
operated in excess of 25 miles per hour on the highways.
   The Commissioner of the California Highway Patrol may, by
regulation, prohibit the vehicles specified in this subdivision from
operating on specific routes.  These vehicles shall not be operated
laden on the highway for more than two miles from the point of origin
and shall not be operated for more than 30 miles unladen on the
highway from the point of origin.  These vehicles shall not be
operated for more than 15 miles unladen on the highway from the point
of origin, unless accompanied by an escort vehicle to the front, and
an escort vehicle to the rear.
   (i) A motor vehicle specifically designed for, and used
exclusively in, an agricultural operation for purposes of carrying,
or returning empty from carrying, silage that is operated by a
farmer, an employee of the farmer, or a contracted employee of the
farmer between one part of a farm to another part of that farm or
from one farm to another farm, on a highway for a distance not to
exceed 20 miles from the point of origin of the trip.  This
subdivision does not include a vehicle that is used for the
transportation of silage for retail sales.
   For the purposes of this subdivision, "silage" includes field
corn, sorghum, grass, legumes, cereals, or cereal mixes, either green
or mature, converted into feed for livestock.

36102.  The following vehicles are exempt from registration if they
have and display identification plates, as specified in Section 5014;
and these vehicles, except when operated pursuant to subdivision (k)
of Section 36005, shall not be deemed to be implements of husbandry
and they shall be subject to all equipment and device requirements as
if registered:
   (a) An automatic bale wagon operated unladen on a highway.
   (b) An automatic bale wagon when transporting baled hay or straw
for a distance of not more than five continuous road miles on a
highway from one parcel of property owned, leased, or controlled by a
farmer to another parcel of property owned, leased, or controlled by
such farmer.
   (c) A motor vehicle which is designed for, and used exclusively
to, haul feed for livestock and which is owned and operated
exclusively by a farmer or an employee of a farmer.  A vehicle
exempted by this subdivision may be operated only on those highways
that are maintained by local authorities, only pursuant to a permit
issued as provided in Section 35780 by the local authority having
jurisdiction over the highways used, and only for a distance of not
more than five continuous road miles from one parcel of property
owned, leased, or controlled by the farmer to another parcel of
property owned, leased, or controlled by the farmer.  This
subdivision does not apply to transportation for compensation.

36105.  A trailer or semitrailer owned and used exclusively by a
farmer to haul his own implements of husbandry, or a portable
sanitary facility, or tools used exclusively for the production or
harvesting of agricultural products is exempt from registration.

36109.  "Farm trailers," as defined in Section 36010, having a gross
weight of 10,000 pounds or less, are exempt from registration except
that Section 5014 shall apply to such trailers.

36115.  (a) Any person who owns an implement of husbandry which is
exempt from registration may obtain an identification plate as
provided in Section 5014 for the implement.
   (b) The department shall issue an identification plate as applied
for to any manufacturer or dealer of an implement of husbandry which
is exempt from registration as provided in Section 5016.5.  That
manufacturer or dealer may obtain more than one plate.

36130.  (a) On and after January 1, 1986, original applications for
identification plates on vehicles specified in Division 16
(commencing with Section 36000) shall be submitted pursuant to
Section 5014 or Section 5016.5.
   (b) Effective January 1, 1986, identification plates that expired
on December 31, 1983, shall not be eligible for renewal.  Applicants
shall apply for identification plates pursuant to Section 5014 or
Section 5016.5.
   (c) Commencing with 1987 renewals, all expiring identification
plates are canceled and owners of vehicles defined in Division 16
(commencing with Section 36000), that are required to display these
plates, shall submit applications pursuant to Section 5014 or Section

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